August Monthly Meeting - 7PM on 8/31 at Angelo's!

Our next monthly meeting is coming up next week!  We're meeting at 7PM on Wednesday August 31st in the Grotto at Angelo's in Monona (5801 Monona Dr).

There will be a social half-hour at 7:00, followed by the meeting at 7:30.

The agenda will be posted when it's available! If you have events or items you want to be sure are added, send an email!

All members and prospective members are welcome!

Events and "Save-the-dates":


  • 9/2 - LOCS Annual pre-Buffett Party at Mary's House!
  • 9/3 - Jimmy Buffett at Alpine Valley! (The bus is full!)
  • 9/9 - LOCS Pirate Pub Plunder for Dane County Humane Society (downtown Madison)
  • 11/2-6 - 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds!

Upcoming Madison-area festivals with live music:

Take a Stake in our Waters - June 18th!

It's time for the annual Dane County Take a Stake in our Waters (formerly Take a Stake in the Lakes)!  We'll be meeting on Saturday, 6/18 at Goodland Park on Lake Waubesa (near Christy's Landing) at 10AM.

Bring work gloves, rakes (heavy duty garden rakes are best) and shoes to get wet.

We will have t-shirts, water and maybe some drinks for the workers.  Cleanup usually takes about 1 1/2 hours or so, then we head to Christy's for lunch.


Upcoming Madison-area festivals with live music:

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